Monday, February 18, 2013

(this was published in the Smithville Herald Wednesday 2/6/13)

Marriage and Divorce

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies.

Eight of my friends got divorced in 2012.  All of them have small children.  One of my pastors said she can’t count the number of adults in her office that speak of their shattered lives due to their parents divorcing.  Another pastor said most divorced people admit they went through hell but then they go and reinvent themselves for the next person.  Why not, he said, reinvent yourself for your current spouse and avoid the hell of divorce?

I believe one person has the power to save a marriage. I am not talking about rolling over and not noticing, or being walked all over or not standing up for yourself.  I believe through prayer, preservation and knowledge, one person can make changes that may seem small, but can change the course of the marriage.  Two well meaning people should not separate over the inability to communicate properly.   Living together for any two people isn’t easy, but throw in kids, jobs, sports, bills and a house and well, it can seem unbearable at times.
I know there are situations where it had to happen, I understand that.  I’m talking about well meaning people that just can’t seem to get a long.  The devil wants married people to get divorced.  Let God into your marriage and see how things can change. 

The book of Hosea speaks of a man that God told to marry a prostitute.  The man kept forgiving his wife for her wrong doings and he even raised kids that were not his, due to her indiscretions.   The point of the book is that God loves us in the same way, no matter what we do or how we act, He keeps on loving us, no matter what.  My husband loves me that way and I am striving to love my husband in the same way.  We aren’t perfect, but we try to love and respect each other so that we can build each other up, rather than tear each other down.

I have started a group for women to meet and watch a Love and Respect video series and discuss afterwards.  It is one of the best marriage seminars I have ever been a part of.  If you would like to join me, please, email me directly at   We are starting Feb. 17th at 6pm and then meeting every third week. 

Lord, please help me to love my spouse and glorify you in my marriage.  Amen

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